Need a website done fast?

We can get your project done in a day, for one flat price.
Sound too good to be true? Well, it is true. And here’s why we can do it…
Maybe you need a full scale refresh of an existing site or a brand new website (up to 5 pages). We can get typically get a project like that done in a day so that you can start attracting customers or getting leads and booking clients right away!
An example of your standard 5-page site might include:
- Home page
- Services
- About
- Gallery or Contact
Please note: Sites with more than 5 pages, or sites with an active online store or membership platform may require more than one day. Contact us and we can discuss your booking options.
* PLEASE NOTE: When you book a Day Rate Project, you’re booking our team for everything that we can get done for you in a DAY, not a specific set of deliverables.
We’ve been building websites and doing design work for over two decades. We have an efficient system for achieving professional results quickly. We can get your website done fast, but to ensure we’re able to get the maximum amount of work done for you, you will need to be available.
Here’s what we’ll need from you to ensure success:
- Your reserved day should not be for scheduling other appointments or meetings since you must be engaged, responsive, and able to make quick decisions on any design questions that arise.
- All pre-work must be completed at least 2 days before your scheduled day. (Upon booking your day, we will send you a custom pre-work checklist which will ensure we can get a running start on your reserved day.)
Before you go further, please know this service IS NOT going to be a good fit for everybody.
We’d rather be up front with you and give you the information you need to make the best decision for you and for your business.
Our Day Rate Packages PROBABLY AREN'T a good fit for you if:
- You are far too busy and you simply cannot commit to working with us one-on-one for a full day to approve designs or website content
- You like being able to take your time, even if it’s weeks or months, in order to decide on elements of the content or design of your website
- You don’t mind paying more money over a long period of time for design work as long as you have plenty of time to mull over every detail
Our Day Rate Packages MIGHT BE a great fit for you if:
- You are very busy, but you’d rather set aside one day to be available to respond quickly to design updates and get your project done in a single day than you had spend weeks or possibly months going back and forth about it.
- You’re just getting started and you don’t yet have your branding and/or website in place, but you also don’t want to waste a bunch of time wading through all of the options. You just want to book an expert for a day to help you get it done, OR…
- Maybe you’ve already tried setting up your own site with Wix or Squarespace or GoDaddy Website Builder or some other do-it-yourself tool and you’ve realized it’s not as simple as they claim, and not to mention, you don’t want a cookie-cutter website anyway, OR…
- You already have a brand and a website, but you need everything refreshed. Time is of the essence and you’d rather work with someone one-on-one and get this knocked out quickly
- You don’t mind doing the necessary preparations to ensure a productive, efficient design day as long as you have a clear checklist that details exactly what you’ll need to do and the information you need to provide.