Are you in control of your Google business listing?

Set up your Google My Business listing

If you haven’t already claimed your business listing at Google My Business, go do it right now.

Visit It’s super easy! Once you’ve verified your business with Google, you can create posts on your website and simultaneously post them on your Google My Business account. This goes a long way to helping your local SEO.

And even beyond that, it will ensure that potential customers can learn about your business. If your listing is feature rich, Google will have more they can display to customers right on their search engine, and if you haven’t noticed, Google is a big fan of keeping people in their search engine rather than actually sending them away to another site.

If you doubt what I’m saying, just think about what happens when you google the weather or showtimes for a particular movie, or even a definition of a word. Google is going to give you the information you seek right there in your search results by pulling out a snippet from a webpage that is facilitating that kind of data harvesting.

If you’re giving Google lots of information to work with in your Google My Business listing, it will boost your visibility in local search results.

Did you know with your Google My Business listing you can do all of the following?

  • Set up a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for your business that will show up right on your business listing on Google?
  • Provide a link to customers so they can easily leave reviews on your profile. (Good reviews are the social credibility that will let others know that customers have had a good experience with your business!)
  • Post photos of your business, your products, your team, and more
  • Post snippets of content with links to drive people to your site right from your Google My Business listing.
  • Post special events
  • Post special offers, discounts, and coupon codes
  • and more!

If you’d like more information about optimizing your Google My Business listing and making sure it’s working hard for your business, send a message or schedule a call.

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