Sea-N-Things Ecotours


Ecotours and Private Excursions

Project Overview:

Sea-N-Things, a new venture by a father and son duo of boat captains, aims to offer unique ecotours and private excursions around the Beaufort waterfront. Their services include trips to Carrot Island, Bird Shoals, Cape Lookout, and Shackleford Banks. The goal was to establish a compelling online presence that effectively showcases their offerings and facilitates easy booking for potential customers.

Challenges and Solutions:

Starting from scratch, the primary challenges included selecting the best online booking system for their needs and developing attractive excursion packages. We tackled these by:

  • Selecting an Online Booking System: After evaluating several options, we identified the most suitable booking solution for Sea-N-Things, ensuring it met their specific requirements and provided a seamless user experience.
  • Crafting Compelling Content: Developed all website content and service descriptions to accurately represent Sea-N-Things and their unique offerings.
  • Developing Tour Packages: We assisted in designing enticing packages for their ecotours and excursions, collaborating with a friend who managed their Google Ads to drive traffic to the new site.
  • Creating Prominent Booking CTAs: Ensured that booking calls-to-action (CTAs) were visible across all online platforms, including their website, social media, and Google Business profile, which we also set up for them.

Key Features:

  • Custom Content: Comprehensive and engaging text for the website and service offerings.
  • Optimal Booking System: Integration of a carefully selected booking solution for a seamless reservation process.
  • Well-Defined Tour Packages: Attractive and well-structured packages for ecotours and private excursions.
  • Prominent Booking CTAs: Effective CTAs across all online platforms to encourage bookings.
  • Analytics and SEO: Setup of GA4, search engine optimization, and Google Tag Manager to enhance site performance and visibility.


The new website for Sea-N-Things effectively launches their business online, making it easier for customers to learn about and book their ecotours and private excursions. The combination of engaging content, a streamlined booking process, and strategic online visibility efforts has set a strong foundation for their business growth.