Website Checklist

Website Checklist

Some of these items were covered in this earlier post, but we wanted to go into a bit more depth here.


This is your Value Proposition Statement. In other words, “We help X do Y by doing Z.”

  • X = WHO ARE YOU TARGETING?Who will benefit from the product(s) or service(s) you are offering?
  • Y = WHAT PROBLEM DO YOU SOLVE? In what way will your product(s) or service(s) improve the life of your target?
  • Z = HOW DO YOU SOLVE IT? This is your product or service, or your catalog of products and services.


Examples of clear calls-to-action might include:

  • Book a Call
  • Schedule an Appointment
  • Shop Now
  • Learn More
  • Subscribe Now
  • Get Instant Access
  • Download Now


These are your social credibility. People are more likely to take a chance on your business/ products/ services if they can see that others have been pleased with what they’ve gotten from you. As past and current customers/clients for reviews. A large majority will typically be happy to oblige!


This can be a call-to-action, but no matter what, this is something you should have. If you’re relying on social media to reach your audience, you’re missing out big time! .


It’s not enough to just say you have a shop/restaurant/offer services. Show people. Give them examples of what you’ve got to offer them. People are visual. They want to look around before they make any decisions.


Make sure you’re thinking of how your potential customers/clients are most likely to contact you. You may have a local business so you may think, “Well, people should just call.” But not everyone wants to call. Give them contact options.

With that said, if you want to contact us, you can do so right here!

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